“If there was one single inescapable fact that can be learned from history, it is that as soon as the Jews are kicked out everything will be fine.”
“The biggest economic miracle that ever happened was Germany without the jews. Prove me wrong and I’ll eat a jew. ”
“Nogle gange tænker jeg på, at det måske er bedst bare at drømme om hende, man ikke kan få. I hvert fald hvis man skal have lavet noget.”
“We are here to create something, not to work. Problem is that you have to work even harder to create something. So they choose a job, a sofa and a television where they can watch what the others create.”
“Når nu vi ved at omfanget af korruption er et resultat af antallet af love, hvorfor finder vi os så ikke en ny Hitler.?"
Filosofi; kan man jøde en jøde uden at blive jødet af en anden jøde?
"Hvis nu en jøde sagde at en jøde gerne må slå dig ihjel, ville du så tage ham ind eller ud af ovnen?"
"Alle troede det var løgn, når nogen sagde at politikere er pædofile. Men så en dag i England skulle de stemme om massevoldtægterne af små piger skulle undersøges. 3 ud af 4 stemte nej."
"I just want to be a rich Jew."
“No one taught you to be a rebel, you were born as an asshole and it’s a gift from heaven.”
"If we kill the Jews, everything will be fine."
"Hvis der ikke fandtes jøder kunne vi nøjes med at gå på arbejde 2 dage om ugen."
“When you get old it all looks like a b-movie you don't want to be in unless you find some young tits, or become a Nazi.”
"Jeg havde godt nok ikke regnet med at jeg blev nazist som 56 årig, men det blev jeg altså."
“Den højeste skat i verden er en blondine med et kreditkort uden max.”
"Your milk is being poisoned now and you are just sitting there doing nothing!"
"Don't you ever talk about the Talmud, it would kill any jew."
"The Antichrist is the Jew. It's in the Bible and the Talmud, and they're shooting women and children in Gaza. Do you need more proof?"
"Godt jeg ikke har været i fjernsynet, for så var jeg blevet skudt ligesom Lennon og Kennedy."
"Hvor fucked up er det lige, at Hitler havde ret?"
"Ejede jeg Dubai, ville jeg hellere have dig. Og køber jeg en papegøje er det fordi den taler om dig."
"The bitch of life is that few will be an oligarch, and almost none will find love that stays young."
“Craziness is like heaven, sagde Jimi Hendrix. Censur er at lukke himlen ned.”
"Your world is gone, but dare you admit it just like Tina."
“Herhjemme går vi på andejagt, i Israel går Netanyahu på børnejagt.”
"Lever du af løgnehistorier er du nu på Bluesky."
"I tossernes land kommer der nu afgifter på prutter."
“Mette er en luder og Lars er en lommetyv.”
"Talk with your heart or fuck off!"
"En Dyson på væggen er som hessian i 70'erne."
"Kære lille jøde, nu vil vi have fløde."
“Only God, your dog and very few others wish you the best when your parents are gone. The rest are cats.”
"En filosofs jobbeskrivelse er provokation."
"I Amerika vil de afskaffe censuren. I Danmark udvider vi censuren."
"A philosopher loves to be wrong. That's why they're so smart."
“A beautiful soul is like turning on a radio that can only play new music.”
“If you can't talk about them, it's probably because they are more evil than anyone can imagine.”
“Fortiden er den du er og fremtiden er den du bliver. Det er kun lige nu, at du har chancen.”
“De er ikke mennesker, men Talmud. Alt det du ikke lærte i skolen, men det gjorde tyskerne.”
“Jeg er den eneste danske filosof som lægger arm med Kierkegaard, selvom jeg ikke er en sort kvinde. Har stadig ikke fået en anmeldelse fra jødernes aviser, og må skifte navn som andre mennesker skifter underbukser. Så alt er som det skal være.”
“An open mind is the worst enemy of those in power.”
“You should try being a conspiracy theorist; only those you don't know like what you do.”
"The Danes are not democrats. If they were, they would not accept their countrymen being shut down on the internet."
“The truth is out in the open but instead of facing it they google it.”
“De er ikke mennesker, men Talmud. Alt det du ikke lærte i skolen, men det gjorde tyskerne.”
“We are here to create something, not to work. Problem is that you have to work even harder to create something. So they choose a job, a sofa and a television where they can watch what others create.”
“Har udgivet min bog nummer fire her den 8/11. Jyderne kan ikke lide det, så de lukker mig ned hvis jeg bringer noget fra den. Nu tænker du sikket at det nok er fordi der bringes noget ulovligt, men hva fuck er ulovligt i demokatisk forstand din hjernedøde danskerkusseluder. Du er så snot dum at det gør ondt at tænke på. Æd en svinepik og ha det nu så godt dit homo fucking jøde svin!”
“Det vigtigste i verden er ikke at være en jøde”
"Kommunisme er når du ikke må vide hvor interessant den enkelte kammerat er på Google. For du er præcis lige så ligegyldig som Jørgen og Hans på Google.”
“Du er neger. Du har ikke så meget hjerne som en hvid. Fat det!”
“En politiker, der lyver og det gør de jo, er meget værre end en tyv. Han vil bare have dine penge, dukken vil stjæle din virkelighed.”
"A man of character thinks and speaks as he always has."
"Clowns think deeply and then out loud. The tragedy is unbearable, so they turn it all upside down in a desperate attempt to survive.”
“If you knew about the jews, you would start looking for a new Hitler!”
"To single out the Jews and say we can't make a joke about them or even ask about the so-called Holocaust is like gassing the free speech of all non-Jews. They get away with it because they own everything and kill anyone who asks questions. I have to make my will now."
"Ord er ulovlige, men en booster med turbo cancer er lovpligtig. Er det bare mig?"
“Man kan fortryde at have solgt sin bil, big time, men aldrig for at have skilt sig af med jøde.”
“They say my words are illegal. It’s fucking words, not bombs or lethal vaccines. Why don't they put my books in jail instead of me?”
“You’ll soon learn that life is a bitch and then you die. Most of them will never love you no matter what you do. Their heads are forever stuck in their own asses, but she is out there somewhere.”
"Poetry is about who is Mike Tyson in words."
"Hver gang jeg tænker tilbage; fuck hvor var du langt ude Frede. Men tænker jeg over nuet, er det ding dong."
Jøderne shadowknepper mig.....det er noget jøderi!
“Det du lige sagde var, at du er holdt op med at tænke selv og er blevet til et fjernsyn.”
“Being wrong on big topics is a privilege only wise guys enjoy. Being right is a privilege for the TV-people.”
“Hvad har jøder med Kennedy at gøre?....ikke andet end at de slog ham ihjel fordi han sagde at renter var noget jøderi.”
“At være forfatter vil sige, at du har så meget lort i bagagen, at du er nødt til at komme af med det.”
“The power of money and propaganda will blow their minds when they hear the real story about Hitler. All Jews will be kicked to a desert island, maybe Greenland because it's so cold and because polar bears eat people.”
“Ikke en eneste jøde er blevet sanktioneret på nettet…..prove me wrong!"
“Jeg skriver alt det man ikke må, for de vil bare ikke forstå, at de fra morgen til aften bliver bollet i numsen. AF JØDERNE!”
“If they knew they would stop smiling, and start a bloody revolution with beheaded Jews all over the place. But they do not.”
"THE MYSTERY. He started printing the state's own money, and said that Israel should never get a nuke. And before he left his noble office, all the secret clubs of the Jews would be exposed. CIA invented a new word to get away with these facts. Conspiracy theory…let it sink in."
"Højre og venstre er for bøsser og svenskere."
“At jødens dage er talte, er næsten lige så sikkert som at jeg kommer i bukserne på præsten i Brønshøj. Og dette “næsten” er det, der gør det hele værd at leve.”
“Herhjemme går vi på andejagt, i Israel går de på børnejagt.”
“Jeg har som de fleste, der spiller tennis altid kæmpet med baghånden. En satans ting at få styr på, en fucking jøde der får bolden til at flyve ad helvedes til.”
"If you have a brain, you don't like the Jews. But if you have no brain, you like the Jews."
det der satans knep, som Jesus ikke syntes var særligt fedt!
“Det var altså ikke for sjov, at Adolfi sagde, at jyderne med ø skal i ovnen.”
“For the first time in my life, I like bombs. Thank you Iran!”
"The people are no longer strangers to the fact that the Jews are the problem. And that's a good thing."
"Hvis nu Mette tænkte på danskerne, sådan i virkeligheden, ville hun så give alle vores penge til udlandet?"
“Can you grasp the concept; the Jews invented the holocaust so they could conquer the world.?”
“It has become so modern with women in the army. Imagine this; women on one side and men on the other, what would happen?...they would take off the uniform and say; please fuck us before you kill us.”
“Jeg lærte at man må sige hvad man vil, nej det må du ikke. Først bliver du lukket ned på internettet og så kommer du i fængsel. Jamen, ikke noget jamen med dig, nu skal du i fængsel.”
“If you desperately need labor, why did they gas the Jews?”
“One day the people will see the rulers with the eyes of the rebels.”
“The fact that wrongthink is now illegal does not surprise me. What really amazes me is that the lefties think it’s okay. They even accept prison for passing on others' wrong thinking.”.
"Jøderne bliver ved med at jøde indtil de har jødet hele."
"The more shots you got, the fewer days you have left. Get used to it and send some flowers to the synagogue."
“Don’t you ever fuck with a Jew, your phone will blow up your balls.”
“Jo mere pissed off en kvinde bliver over en mand, desto mere våd i fissen ender hun med at blive."
“Hvor fuck skulle jeg vide fra at det var forkert at skyde frøer med et luftgevær. Mor græd, og far var væk.”
“Dine bryster er som de italienske bjerge, spændt på nye eventyr, struttende efter mere sne på toppen, dansende, så hele verden ryster, og drømmer om Hitlers Tyskland.”
“Give them a little something about freedom and they will jump on anything.”
“If you know they're all some maniacs from America trying to burn down your house. Then why do you watch tv or even consider going to work?”
"A revolution doesn't have to be dramatic to anyone but the Jews in the bank."
"Satan exists. It's the Jews."
“Why are the good jews not screaming about the bad jews. Maybe because they don’t think they are bad at all. Or maybe because they’re all bad jews.”
"THE BIBLE FORBIDS LYING. The Talmud condones lying. The Media bans math. The Politicians job is to lie.
The Jews hate the Christians. They have always been expelled. Only jews are in love with satan."
“Only the truth can kill the jews. Say hello to my little friend Adolf.”
“Why do people get angry when you tell them the world could be a much better place.?”
“8 out of 10 journalists are socialists. A tried and tested idea that makes Putin look like an angel."
“White supremacy is a fact, not racism.”
"Did you know that the Jews have been a problem ever since they killed Jesus?"
“It always ends in some kind of revolution, so why not now?”
“The one you vote for is certainly not the one who makes the decisions. It’s a fact, not a conspiracy theory.”
"We’ve done our research, screamed like pigs on drugs. But guess who it all depends on now."
“It’s not dangerous to be offended, unless you ask your government, a leftie on the street, or almost any woman.”
“Be the reason why people get mad and just want to kill you. Only then you’re free.”
“En hot blondine med store fine bryster kom i folketinget. Den stramme rebelske skede var kælenavnet hos dem, der knaldede hende. For hun tordnede mod immigranter og var ægte blond forneden. Men en dag kom hun til at fornærme jødernes fører i Davos. Hendes parti blev opløst, og nu taler hun pænt om alle former for perkere. Don’t you ever fuck with a jew var det de fortalte blondinen med de store patter.”
"Without the Jews, everything is possible. You know, things like waking up one morning being free.”
"Når man nu kan få den Berlingske jødesprøjte for 39 kroner om måneden, er det så fordi danskerne er blevet trætte af jøderne?"
"Here's a little something about freedom. Once you realize that the Jews are your enemy, then you are free."
Has a Jew ever done anything good for you?
"If there was an Olympic discipline in death and destruction, it would belong to a Jew."
“Being a white christian and pro Israel at the same time is like walking and smiling all the way to the guillotine.”
"Here's something about freedom. Once you realize that the Jews are your enemy, then you are free."
"If you know you're right, it doesn't matter if you're dead because that's how it usually is."
"When everything is seen as nothing, just like right now, art becomes everything."
"Du er en jøde, kan du så se at få dit armbånd på."
“It’s a wild world. Nobody is listening anymore, so now they are using AI to fill up the empty halls.”
What Obama said last night was that Michelle has a bigger dick than Trump.Then Michelle said that only blacks can be president from now on. Who said anything about black people being dumb.
Hvordan jøder man en jøde? Man starter med at spørge, hvorfor gas ikke var brandfarligt i Auschwitz.
"Die Wahrheit macht frei."
“Du er velkommen til at tjekke om jeg er den mest nedlukkede mand i Danmark. Sådan er det, men det skaber også nogle muligheder, for det tog jo også sin tid for føreren at komme til magten.”
“I et demokrati er censur ulovlig, bare ikke i vores."
"They cannot show us a single place in history where censorship has benefited the people. But on television it has suddenly become the answer to all miseries, and all the sheep like it. It ain't easy to have a brain these days."
"Godt 40.000 mennesker sidder i fængsel for at ytre sig i England. I Rusland er det 4000. England er derfor 10 gange mere fascistisk end Rusland. I Danmark er folk ligeglade med hvor mange der kommer i fængsel for at ytre sig. Vi gider ikke engang at offentliggøre tallet."
"Hvis du er en fjernsynshat/taber, siger du til dig selv - når du har læst de næste 3 sider - at du ikke gider læse resten.
Dvs at jeg lige har kneppet dig for 100 kroner, minus 4 sider. Men hvis du vil vide hvordan man jøder jøderne fortsætter du. Det er sjovt for fanden!"
“You gotta have your own experiences with everything in your suitcase. Otherwise, it's just someone else telling you what to think and do.”
“If you know what it feels like to penetrate a woman, then you're probably wearing Ecco right now.”
“Rusland er ikke vores fjende, det er Mette og den jøde hun er gift med”.
“DR vil ikke være på X fordi man får tæv for at lyve”.
“Hvad er der blevet af os som civilisation. Jo vi hader os selv som folk, for vi var både hvide og heteroseksuelle. Fy for den.”
“At skrive en bog er vanvid. At skrive flere end én er det, man kalder for en alvorlig psykose.”
“Evig kærlighed kommer kun til de 4 øjne, der aldrig glemmer, da de mødtes. Det er en lov du ikke kan løbe fra, for den satte alt i stå og kom ud af det blå.”
“Det er svært at give mere end du har fået, men det at du gør forsøget er alt ære værd.”
“Journalistik er indsamling, bearbejdning og formidling af nyheder og information der vedrører nyhederne til et publikum.” Ikke noget med at skabe viden, næh nej fy for den….der skal produceres løgnehistorier!
“Købmanden i Kalvehave ville ikke ekspedere mig fordi jeg ikke havde tisseble på munden. Jeg blev bare stående og åndede heftigt på ham indtil han tastede min mælk ind i kasseapparatet.”
"METTE joeder 93%. Jørgen betaler sin frisør 100 kr. for at blive klippet. Frisøren er en lovlydig socialdemokrat, så han betaler herefter kr. 20 i moms, kr. 16 i selskabsskat, og 38 kr. i indkomstskat. Tilbage på frisørens konto står der nu kr. 26, og af dem bliver der kr. 7 tilbage i den forretning han bruger dem. Og sådan forsvandt 93% af Jørgens penge til staten/Krystalgade."
“Let's finish what Adolf was up to.”
“The politician's job is to give you the idea that your vote matters. A robot doesn't care about that kind of bullshit.”
“En hjernevasket forstår ikke problemet i at ikke hjernevaskede bliver lukket ned.”
“From early morning to late night, voices and images about your world and even the music are designed to make you smile on your way to work. No wonder you can’t imagine another world, but to think you have anything to do with it is crazy."
“Freedom is waking up every morning thinking; How can I piss people off today.”
"Det onde og det gode, Juice og tyskere."
“A beautiful soul speaking purely is like turning on a radio that can only play new music.”
“Nobody can stop you if you don't mind being a fool. And the wild side has always belonged to the crazy.”
“Peter Linck sagde engang til mig, at man ingen vegne kommer uden at køre mindst 240 km/t. Tak Peter!”
“No freedom of speech no democracy, fucking simple but they still think they live in a democracy.”
"En mand er kun i live for alvor hvis han er ligesom Martin."
"Hvis du har bare har et gram tilbage af mand i dig så støtter du Martin Brygmann."
“Fuck kussetyranni…..kvinder skal have pikk@n og så skal de ellers lukke røven og være glade”
- Martin Brygmann
"I was young in the 90s and now the young ones tells me I’m old. Well, I saw the world before it went mad, so I wouldn't trade for anything in this world."
“You love a woman, that’s how it is. It’s not a choice, only heaven speaks with 4 eyes.”
”How many more Palestinian lives before they find out who killed the son of their god.”
"Hvis du er dum nok til at få sperm i fissen så har du kraftedeme bare at føde guds barn."
"In numbers, Stalin, Mao and Lenin killed far more each than Adolf. But in Hollywood they only make movies about Adolf because they invented communism and worship Satan."
"For some, the greatest love is impossible. The sea is too big and she can’t sail. But she cycles alone to the sea from time to time."
"Hvad betyder bosættelser egentlig?......det er når en palæstinenser får jødet sin bolig af nogle fra Israel."
“The slave trade was never a white thing but just a jewish thing. They changed history and said that it the was the white man and that it had nothing to do with the jews. All the wars, a jewish thing. Kennedy wasn’t. Nothing has changed, they still adore the idea of you being their slave. And you're not allowed to criticize them. Only way is a real book on paper.”
"Empirisk betragtet er konspirations- teoretikere journalister, og "journalisterne" er dem der spreder misinformation."
“The Holocaust never happened. It’s all about killing the white people in silence.”
“To think that the war in Ukraine is not about the US getting the resources of Russia with Europe as a stake is madness. They call it the New World Order this time. Last time they defeated Adolf with A-bombs and 60 million deaths, and it’s the same ugly bankers behind it all.”
“The revolution in Denmark starts on the day a real journalist interviews Mette Frederiksen on live TV.”
“Now listen carefully sweet Slave; The state fucks you from behind because it produces nothing of value. A fucking dildo parasite that uses most of your money. Now hurry slave get to work so your ass can bleed tonight.”
”Evolution in the short term means that the minority displaces the majority”.
"Russia has the world's largest stock of A weapons…and you think we can win, you stupid fuck!"
“War has always been the best business idea according to the wicked boys from Israel.”
“Rothschild alone has caused more death and destruction than Islam ever did. And then we have Soros.”
“Mette har en teenagers kompas, en luders behov for at flashe fjabben, en psykopats behov for at fremstå sympatisk, og nu skal vi i krig med Rusland.”
“Now enjoy every single day until the A-bombs arrive. They’re coming soon because that's how our big leader with strange tits wants it. Democracy can be a good idea if the majority of the population is not slightly retarded, as is the case.”
“One day you understand that US is all about killing for the money. Whether it’s before the first nuke drops is up to you.”
"For Churchill var det vigtigt, at alle tyske aviser og tidsskrifter fik lov til at udkomme i England under krigen. For Mette er det vigtigt at det forbydes, samt at borgere der udtrykker sympati med Putin bliver lukket ned på de sociale medier. Og pøblen elsker det."
“Buy a brand new Porsche, then you’ll realize that it doesn't make you happy at all. If you wanna get happy, get laid or find a new friend.”
“An hour has passed, now a new small part of the world knows that vaccines rhyme with depopulation.”
“In France, three years in prison for criticizing the vaccines. Tomorrow, 3 years in prison for criticizing Mette but you’re watching football.”
“Altså, jeg har boet i provinsen i fucking 6 år...det er noget knep!”
“De sagde at når den var tilbagebetalt så ville det blive gratis. De knepper dig så hårdt i rectum at selv himlen bløder.”
"Mia's or almost any other woman's intuition works for everything except choosing the right man."
“Jeg græder når dem der ikke er her mere omfavner mig.”
“The few intelligent people question everything, the many stupid people stand behind the authorities because they’re not able to do anything else. We're not getting anywhere.”
“The men who can kill problems are the ones who see them before they come. But they shut them down on the internet in our "free" world and now there is nothing but trouble.”
“The recipe for the dissolution of society: Fuck faith, philosophy and the man. Women scream when they hear the Beatles.”
“Everything has gone wrong since she left us 25 years ago. You are 51 now, but you’re the living proof of eternal devotion for only one woman. Swim back to me Tina, bring back the 90's.
“Tucker Carlson and then we have the "journalists" who are paid to tell us what the stakeholders want.”
“You have your very own frequency, question is whether you dare to be just that, and nobody else.”
“When you’re young you try to talk, look and be like your stars. Later on you discover that they would rather be you. Fame is a killer, don’t do it. Stay at home and just be you.”
"Hvis nu der var frit valg, ville du så have Israel som naboland?"
"A woman's heart can easily handle many secrets. A man's heart is not designed for that kind of shit. When he falls, he falls and nothing can stop him telling her everything."
“The stupidest thing man has yet invented is war. Number two is the belief that the people can elect the right leaders. No poverty and education for all. This is what war costs.”
“Some of them suddenly started dancing in the street, but the music came from another world.”
“We now know that the purpose of the biolaboratories in Ukraine was to wipe out the Russian population.”
“Millions in salary and pension. Private chauffeur and free new big Mercedes every year. If they got nothing for it, Denmark would be a nice country again.”
“It is the first time Putin has been interviewed since the war started, but then again, there is only one journalist in the whole world.”
“The revolution will not be televised. But it’s bound to happen just as the sun rises in the morning.”
“If you watch television you are brainwashed, if you don’t watch television you are not brainwashed.”
“Think about it. Born to be a king. The concept is utterly absurd but the stupid Danes love it.”
“A philosopher has no holy cows, a politician has nothing else.”
“You give power to the state which is run by some politicians who are employed by those who own it all. And you faithfully go down to the voting booth and put a cross anonymously on a piece of paper, because you are nothing.”
“If you are on the edge, only new friends can save you”
“No one is a politician, everyone is employed by money.”
“Only one in 100,000 says here I come. Why is it like that?
“Despised, disparaged and what you say is taken with reservations. You reacted to an evil world but they give you medicine and say you are sick in the head. Today I am glad that I had the courage to get sick in the head.”
“I know it's hard, but try to imagine a conversation we could have if the censorship wasn't here. In Russia, they talk.”
"If you can't comprehend evil as an option, you won't know the truth until the empire collapses."
“IMAGINE IF YOU WILL, a group of people acting so disgusting that they have to make laws making it illegal to criticize them. You can’t even question their goals anymore.”
"You can become a rolling train without brakes if you let your soul rule and consequently give them the finger. Never again question what your soul tells you and do what you have to do no matter what they say.”
“They watch television rather than experience something for themselves. At work, they talk about the incredible things that happen to the stars, and if they see a real star in the supermarket, they become the star the next day at work.”
"There are many inventions, but seriously, is there anything that even comes close to a pussy? Take your time."
"In a small state the citizen decides and in a large one guess who. But it doesn't stop there. The road is called total control and at the end of the road it goes very fast, this is where we are.”
“The day a lie is explained with a smile and good intentions is the day the big changes knock on your door. And you'd better open up, because it's your dignity that's knocking."
“Success, who cares when you're gone and it doesn't necessarily make you happy. But if you grab your balls for real in whatever big matter you and no one else believes in, you will be happy and never forgotten.
“At this very moment the politicians are celebrating that at least 100,000 slaves turned up for the king who fucked my name. Brainwashed slaves whose hearts beat for gold, fame and fireworks. Without ability or courage to understand the meaning of a king who has never had an idea about anything.”
“Kærlighed på den heftige måde, James Bond film i Davos og støtte til Rusland ist verboten. Ikke engang Musk tør åbne op for @psykopatgiraf3, som i 2 gange lukket ned på X, en gang før og en gang efter Musk købte lortet. Du er en svans Musk, jeg knepper dig din lille homo!”
“There are many inventions, but seriously, is there anything that even comes close to a pussy? Take your time.”
“They watch television rather than experience something for themselves. At work, they talk about the incredible things that happen to the stars, and if they see a real star in the supermarket, they become the star the next day at work.”
“If she knows you're the one who will love her until the day she dies, you've done both your research in the fields and your homework to perfection."
“Mia, you little stubborn ass, you will always be the most beautiful thing I ever saw, you were there too....how many books do you think I'm going to write before you suck my cock?”
“Success, who cares when you're gone and it doesn't necessarily make you happy. But if you grab your balls for real in whatever big matter you and no one else believes in, you will be happy and never forgotten."
“At this very moment the politicians are celebrating that at least 100,000 slaves turned up for the king who fucked my name. Brainwashed slaves whose hearts beat for gold, fame and fireworks. Without ability or courage to understand the meaning of a king who has never had an idea about anything.”
“Mia for faen, jeg har hverken kneppet en jøde eller en præst. Der er en mening med alting.”
“Now let's say that Michelle Obama is a woman who has given birth to 2 children. So wouldn't there be pictures of her pregnant?"
“Jews, not money, make the world go round. Money is just their tool, prove me wrong."
“If the ones who have something to say about crazy are not allowed to say anything, what kind of mad society is that?”
“Debatten er fri, gu fuck er den not sagde Chuck. Alle i chok for Jes læste op uden at stoppe op. Sølvpapir eller ej, du er bare en steg i en gasovn fra fucking Jens Okking Krystalgade.”
“The mountains of things you shouldn't have bought, said or done get smaller over time, not bigger, unless you're dumb or a politician.”
“Time is all you've got, never waste it!”
“If you had to name a neighbor you absolutely did not want to live next to, who would it be other than someone from Israel.”
“Anyone who says free speech is dangerous is a fascist.”
“Normal is an enemy I just can’t resist.”
“To my 2 sons. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't the necessity of all times. I'm not a Viking, just your father.”
“Is it my fault you thought I'd be like the rest of them? And you didn't even bother to think about why normal is an enemy I just can’t resist.”
“Hvad kan man sige om den danske stand af udøvende kunstnere, hvis man alene ser på deres primære opgave; At udstille magthavere, autoriteter og andre absurditeter?". I gennemsnit er de mere vaccinerede end en ganske almindelig dansker. Men så er der Uwe Max, der slagtes for åbent tæppe uden et kvæk fra den danske “hær” af kunstnere i traditionel forstand. Og gør de det, er det direkte ind i det moderne fængsel for de sidste rester af kunst med slag i.”
"Everything was fucked up when I was a kid, today that's what makes me strong."
“From early morning to late evening, voices and images about your world. No right to think differently, you will be told everything. Feel free, go to work with the crazy belief that you have something to do with it.”
“Do you get this; a woman's body may be the most beautiful thing there is, but it is only allowed to see the nipples in porn movies.”
“Those who move mountains piss people off. If you don’t piss them off you’re still a zombie in the matrix with spike proteins in your hippocampus.”
“Mette Frederiksen er som at vågne efter et mareridt om den pige fra klassen, der gjorde at man skiftede skole.”
"You've got to ask yourself one question…do you like being lied to. Well, do ya punk?"
“Når nu kvinder har så meget imod en liderlig mand, hvorfor bestiller de så ikke andet end at poste fuckable billeder af dem selv med mindst muligt tøj på?”
“If you look into the eyes of a piglet, you’ll find all the pain in the world. A newborn soul that must bear its destiny, just to end up being meat in its own rectum in no time. And the endless pain all the way to the hammer in the forehead. And for what, they could just eat fish instead of me.”
"You can boil it down to, are the owners or the voters going to govern?"
“THE REBELS. The last souls untameable by even the most cunning rulers. Without faith they cannot stand upright in the storm which is called nine out of ten would rather see you deported or dead. Just remember to ask yourself one thing; Cui bono, them or you? One day we will all be rebels. The most important lesson from history is just that.”
"Let's say the unmentionables hate Jesus according to their Talmud….. would that change anything?"
“WEF, EU, UN, NATO, WHO and Bilderberg. What does all these supranational institutions have in common? They screw you, that’s the meaning of the word Supra.
"En jyde er og bliver en jyde. Og sådan er der så meget."
“You only get banned by telling the truth, or simply by posting a link with someone else telling the truth. Deplatformed, you’re out of the equation, go fuck yourself, and you might as well close your business because it’s not on Google anymore, ha ha.”
- Klaus Schwab
“THERE'S A JEW BEHIND every fucked up thing you dig into.”
“Every fifth Dane is currently infected with what they have been vaccinated against 3-5 times. In addition, there is an unprecedented excess mortality and soon 250,000 reported injuries from the vaccines, but it is still only the so-called conspiracy theorists who wonder. And it's not a movie, it's television.”
“Why do you say you want the truth if you can't even handle me mentioning the Jews?”
"The world is a better place because of the white man. Don’t be proud, Adolf was just trying to get the message out, and look what happened to him!"
"God has only one big problem, and that is the Jews. Let's put them in the oven, because I think you have eyes of your very own.”
"THE VATICAN is named after Vatica, the goddess of the underworld. The Star of David is satan's star. Can you figure out the rest yourself?"
“If a nobel prize was given for best lie there would only be Jews among the nominees.”
“It’s so obvious, the talmudic jews are evil and they have been lying about it ever since. Adolf was right, zionism is equivalent to satan!”
"Adolf did not believe in coexistence with Zionism, and neither did anyone else. The greatest weapon on earth is to print all the money so today Zionism, not Nazism, runs your government.”
“What makes you strong is the number of times your heart was broken. Even if it should be broken forever you might instead get stronger than ever.”
“What a wonderful world we could have, all we need is to put all the Jews in a camp.”
“FUCKHAUS solves the climate crisis and brings democracy back in his third book, Mønutopia. If he were here now, I'd want him to penetrate me.”
- Tina Kjær
“Letting the soul speak purely and without any other considerations is like turning on a radio that can only play new music.”
"They absolutely adore the underdog beating the oppressor in the end like in most movies. In real life they obey their government without any question at all. On top of this, they find it amusing mocking anyone who dares to question the narratives."
“If you believe in freedom of speech, but….then you've watched too much television!”
15.315.350 Jews in 1933
15.753.638 Jews in 1948
…..they made it all up
The Holocaust never happened!
“Politics exists for justice and to bridle the owners of capital before they become big enough to buy all the politicians. WE FAILED!"
“Never before has it been possible to speak to the whole world, and never before has power been in the hands of so few.”
"Zionism is over if you want it!"
"I want to enter a bubble. Outside the bubble hides an ugly and insignificant world. Inside the bubble there is only one universe called you. Trying to find my wife, that's all."
“The day you realize that Adolf was the good guy and Joe is the bad guy
is the day you know all about everything, amen.”
“When you're down remember this. It has always been a very small group of thoughtful people who made the earthquakes that changed the world. It's only a matter of time, so hang in there.”
"Politics exists for justice and to bridle the owners of capital before they become big enough to buy all the politicians. We failed!"
"It’s insane to pretend you're sane in a world that doesn't add up with any kind of sanity."
“It's not my idea, but what if we all just stayed at home. If we could, it would be the first day of a new world. What about the first of December?.”
“Children from Palestine are not children in the traditional sense. They are scum that we can do without.”
- Makrelfjamsen
"Adolf did not believe in coexistence with Zionism, and neither did anyone else. The greatest weapon on earth is to print all the money so today Zionism, not Nazism, runs your government."
“The day strangers look at you with contempt is the day you've made the world a better place."
“Min syre er det jeg laver, uden den var jeg en død narkoman.”
"Simple question; Is it legal or not legal to speak about Jews?"
"There's only one rational thing to do. Either the beast eats you, or you wake up all your friends with everything you've got."
"Asger Aamund. Vores sidste Voltaire, der fik mig til at tænke, at det jeg tænkte, måske var rigtigt.”
“Take a look at your so-called problems. Look again. Are we at war, is your existence threatened in any possible way? If not, engage as if there was a war. Why not?...it's just a game and there is nothing to worry about.”
“It's weird. At one point I thought a science fiction movie could be far out, but not any more. It’s nothing compared to the scenes behind Mette.”
“Some people are so blinded by themselves and their ideas that they neither can nor will see the quality in their friends.”
“I've always been a rebel, and sometimes only my mom loved me.”
"When philosophy was taken out of the equation, science could live a life of its own, and it did. The vaccines were never tested and no philosopher would ever allow that.”
“If only Mette was not here then I would be yours forever”
Arr……you there Makrelfjams?
“We could be heroes. And some day they realize the satanic madness they defended and the heroes they ridiculed. Don't feel ashamed, jump!”
"The day you don’t give a fuck about what everyone else think is the day you die in the matrix."
"51% of the population supports a ban on burning a book. If it was Winnie the Pooh or Donald Duck, they would also just say yes. The slave has never bothered to read or think for himself. He feels so good just obeying and it almost turns him on to be a good slave to his master."
"Det kan godt være at Madonna havde lidt voldsom hårvækst Im votzen, men jeg er pænt træt af at se opslag om at hun skulle være en mand ligesom Michael Obama. Duskede hende i 1987, men det er der selvfølgelig så mange der har."
"When the oligarchs say loud and clear that they own the money, the corporations, the science, the media and your government, leftists think they are lying."
"Hard evidence on the table and nothing happens. Like pointing a gun at an elephant. Only when it gets shot will it actually believe in it. Ride the elephant instead."
“One of the few things you can be absolutely sure of is that what they tell you is true will turn out to be a lie some time. It's called change. And the good is only really good for those who want to rule over you. Beyond change, these two are the only constants in this world.”
"You lucky bastard. Alive and kicking at the end of the bankers' time. The heavy chains of humanity, God's true warriors are in prison. The word is out and the wildfire from heaven has ignited. Let’s fuck the dark knights!"
"I'm a writer. Not because it was on the map, but because the power
of money popped up everywhere. Science, experts and the
media, it’s all about making money, and they don’t give a fuck about you.
Misinformation on the other hand makes them shit in their pants.
Truth always has."
“Some day they realize the satanic madness they defended and the heroes they ridiculed. Don't feel ashamed, jump!”
“Det skider jeg på. Jeg har skrevet verdens mest liderlige bog, og den hedder Mønutopia. Læser du den bliver du så smæk liderlig af raseri over al den fjams - i bogstavelig og overført betydning - som du er gået glip af indtil nu .”
“If you meet a wall, tear it down. If it is too high, find a ladder. If the ladder is too low, go the opposite way. Here is the trick; STOP blaming yourself, it wasn't on purpose and you have a diagnosis called life. You followed your heart at the end of the day, so yes you are stupid, but that’s how a heart works.”
“A quiet innocent little movement with the wing of a butterfly at the Moscow airport in 1982 and then time and place stood still. All in nothing because time did not pass as it usually does, it simply stopped. What else could be God's command?
“En del af noget stort, som ii STORT. Alle går rundt og tror på fjernsynet/jødematrixen. Det er pænt absurd, at det bare er nogle Ashkenazi jøder der har jødet det hele med hjælp fra Satan.
Men sådan er det, fat det!
“The whole idea of the UN, paid for by Rockefeller, is to keep the American war industry running, as well as to "neutralize" countries that do not want a Rothschild national bank. Denmark dropped 923 bombs in Libya because Gaddafi wanted to make his own oil dollars.”
"If a horse is better off in the wild, then why do you need a government?"
"If success is to be taken literally, you would have to live exactly as you want. If you do, you’ll become a lonely magnet for all of the compromises.”
"You will only find lol in real madness, listen to crazy carefully!"
"I know God, your love is us and not the government"
"Once I thought that the Danes were a wise population.Today I know that we are the absolute stupidest people in the world. Unfortunately it is not for discussion any longer."
"What makes it possible not to go insane?..... the other crazy ones."
"A world without utopia is like living without loving.
Fly to the moon once worked, let's do it again!"
"It's almost only been better times than right now, but it's yours, so you better do something, say something, love someone and smile like a mad dog. What it takes is what you have to do. And if you do, others will too."
“The whole idea of the UN, paid for by Rockefeller, is to keep the American war industry running, as well as to "neutralize" countries that do not want a Rothschild national bank. Denmark dropped 923 bombs in Libya because Gaddafi wanted to make
his own oil dollars.”
"Who’s running the maschine?
The guy who owns the national bank wants profit every month.
The guys who own all the illegal monopolies also need a little something all the time. The same guys own the media, so you just pay them without question. Your government is on the payroll too and they have closed me down on fb."
"I have learned two important things so far. Being surrounded by artists is true happiness and being in love brings you all the way to the moon."
"What humanity needs is the perfect idea, an idealism. The best idea is no idea for tomorrow, it has to be invented. Not by politicians but by the philosophers as Plato said. It's called the aristocracy."
"What’s a slave?
A person who is woken up early by the alarm clock, sits in a queue in traffic, works all day long, and then he goes home late to eat when body and mind can't take it anymore. Then he sleeps until the clock rings again."
"Almost everyone can agree on beauty when they see it, but when it comes to the basic principles and the beauty of democracy, both beauty and principles disappear as an ideal place to be."
"If love is your game then imagine you could be the new 007 or some divine woman if you have a vagina. You won't receive endless love before you start lying about yourself. Anyway it’s the holy grail for any politician, did I mention the media? "
"I know nothing about anything, my religion, that’s why my heart can tell you everything about nothing else."
"You will only find lol in real madness, listen to crazy carefully!"
"How to tell the difference between an intelligent and a stupid man only by using alcohol. The intelligent man's thinking seems unaffected by alcohol, the stupid man starts telling lies about himself, the world and others because he really doesn't understand any of it."
"You own the world, you just don't realize it yet. Play your cards and you will soon be on your way to heaven."
"Never stop it, always allow it to go too far. Just believe in your most important muscle, your brain, and you will always be free."
"Critical thinking means it’s a lie. You just have to find the truth and it’s not on the news."
"There are only two ways. Make your own choices or leave that job to your government."
"How do you define freedom?
Most accurate method is to look at your tax rate. The more percentages you have to pay, the less freedom for you. Easy and accurate, because money is freedom."
"Transgenderism is the antithesis of Christianity. Satan, who is also the god of the pedophile elite, is the architect."
"When was the last time you heard about a guy being happy about the current situation?"
"What happens when they say you have to wear diapers and stay home, but science later on reveals that it’s bullshit?
People from China and the most obedient still go with diapers, stay at home and ask for another booster that doesn’t work either."
"Blackrock and Vanguard collectively own the majority of shares in just about any company you can think of. Now who owns the majority of shares in Blackrock and Vanguard? Well I'm not allowed to talk about that, for fear of being called antisemitic or something."
If Tits Are Your Only God
Then You May Be Lost Forever
"Stupidity is when you know nothing about the secrets of all the philosophers. And you do not learn anything about them in school. Convenient for some, but a disaster for you."
"You can’t learn anything about what you know, no matter how sure you are about it, unless you accept the fact that tomorrow is another world.
That’s why you have to deal with crazy stuff before you wake up."
"If truth is important to you then how do you find the way to get there?
Doubt everything they say with every question you can think of. Because it's the same thing every time, the truth is something else than what they're trying to tell you.
And yes it’s all about your television and the evil mothers who own everything."
"Amore makes it hot to be alive, not food children or money…PUSSY GALORES…thank you Bond."
"If you really wanna know a little about everything, then read what the old white men say now and especially then.
You might come across a few others, but without them you wouldn't grasp a bloody thing about anything. And I’m NOT one of them yet because I live in Denmark where fucking nobody is allowed to be somebody before they die.
Unless of course you are a black woman or you have just had a serious surgical operation between your legs."
"It's a secret, but if you have the absolute unending passion for whatever you do for a living, then you're as close as you can get to being happy. And the stupid thing is that you never reach perfection.
Writing is mine."
"ISN'T IT AMAZING.....not a single woman on planet earth can think of one single good thing to say about Islam."
"Friendships are rare. It's never predictable and comes out of the blue, that's the beauty of it. And it's usually an idiot."
"Bees don't waste their time telling flies that honey is better than shit. Humans waste all their time working for an elite that hides all the real honey."
"Can anyone tell me why we make cars out of steel when you can use hemp instead?...it's 8 times stronger and never rusts."
"I'm old, say the young ones. Finally I'm able to look at them thinking, I wouldn't trade for anything in this world."
"You know what I like?.....change, people hated the concept everything is a lie, now they love this concept!"
Dead voters: Confirmed
Corrupted tabulation software: Confirmed
DOMINION Exec part of Biden’s team: Confirmed
Observers illegally removed: Confirmed
Mathematical impossibilities: Confirmed
15.000 + Ballots missed in Georgia: Confirmed
More voters than people in a country: Confirmed
Fake signatures accepted: Confirmed
Whistleblowers alleging wrongdoing: Confirmed
Hundreds of sworn affidavits: Confirmed
Voting system processing parts from China: Confirmed
Voting machines vulnerable to hacks: Confirmed
"There is only one ticket to heaven, and that’s you and me.
You know it, I know it and now time is suddenly a precious thing."
"The last thing a conspiracy theory does is threaten democracy. But it is a precondition for it to be preserved, since a large number of them actually turn out to be true.
So if you do not deal with conspiracy theories, you're pretty stupid."
"You are good, so of course you think other people are good too. When someone tells you that the global elite only pretend to be good because they want to make you their slave, you get mad. I can understand that, but what if it was true?"
"WEF is not really trying to fix the world. They are just trying to crush you as a human because it is much easier for them to control you when you own nothing. Basically they are insane as Lennon and Kennedy said just before they were killed.
How about you... ...arr you coming, or does life as a bio-robot make you smile?"
"Sudden truth can be a blessing or a menace, but it brings a new normal. The lie does neither, because you don't know. It’s useless so you should get rid of it."
"You only live twice said James Bond. He was right, let’s fix the world just like when we were young."
"Some people lie to control and abuse you, others because you have to understand how fucked up those people are."
"I do not question the answers to turn my back on the truth. But because the truth of an answer depends on all the questions that can be asked."
as philosopher in Parliament
9. Muslims back to MENAP
"Imagine this. Your government is not really your government and they are not really trying to make you happy. Let's say you own this car(Aston Martin DB5)…..would you let someone else drive it?.......of course not and it's the same thing with the Rothschilds who own all the money in the world."
"She is working 6 days a week to make it happen. It’s sunday, spring and she says “here comes the sun, now my days are getting longer and soon I can go to the beach after work” with a happy voice.
The only thing that makes her happy is the beach after work and Sundays in the sun. She is a slave in love with the sun, but she doesn’t know."
"One thing really puzzles me. No matter how much hard evidence you put on the table, around 90% look at it and nothing more happens. It’s like pointing a gun at an elephant. It will look at it but it’s only when it gets shot that the elephant believes in it."
"The world is not only mad, it's run by maniacs who kill babies for breakfast."
"An old pig like me at 55 can easily think of fucking a blonde at 25 if Mia doesn't want me. Is it so bad when others, nobody mentioned nobody forgot, have sex with babies?"
"The more a society leaves the decisions about itself to supranational institutions, the sadder and more unhappy its citizens become. No prospect nor possibility of change is a terrifying thought that can kill any man."
"Whenever a war is necessary, it is always about your freedom or the freedom of someone else in a nation far away. Never about the money or resources that change hands when the war is over. That is called armed robbery in the real world and fighting for your freedom in the media because the people who own the media also happen to own the arms industry.
It's actually very simple, they screw you and kill a lot of people for money."
Being white is bad because of the slaves and Hitler. Black people are victims of the white man's atrocities. Same same with masculinity, it’s oppressive, so the women also resent their femininity. And now men can have their own babies and women can just change their gender to whatever they like. Our former prime minister's daughter, for example, has just had her breasts cut off and Satan just visited the Congress. Her own breasts and face are new, but I’m not sure about her pussy.
"If you ever wonder why the Danes are the most brainwashed population on earth, it's because of the Queen. They really think she has all the right answers and they just can't grasp the concept that she's full of shit."
"Any great artist is a misery.
Only advantage, any girl wants to take a ride on the wild side."
"I really did something today, I wrote the love letter, the last, the most important, the one that puts everything on the line. The one where you touch her all over and say is it really you and me or what. Best day in 41 years because now I know almost everything."
"Before Corona, no one talked about God. Maybe there was, but not among those I know. Then Corona came and everyone panicked and got scared, that was the point of the lie.
But the kingdom of heaven fell when they discovered it and now everyone talks about god because it was the devil himself, who gave Mette the injections."
"Free you won’t be unless you allow yourself to be you, the fucked up dickhead you really are."
"Why did you stop being a child just trusting your heart and the old ones around you.
You stopped crying all the time when something isn't perfect. Love is perfection like your heart. Everything else, take a flying fuck, it makes you cry. God never left you, why did you?"
“The show can’t go on because now we know. We are run by maniacs as Lennon said before they killed him.”
"The day the revolution comes is the day we are all horny loving bastards, who have always been part of the resistance. And then we fuck like mad dogs."
"WEF owns the government, the Rothschilds own the National Bank, and the Queen has given them all the gold."
"It's hard to grasp, politicians are the worst crooks of them all, simply because those behind them, are the maniacs Lennon and Kennedy were talking about."
“You lucky bastard. You are alive at the end of the time when all your ancestors fought against them without knowing who they were.
The heavy chains of humanity, the princes of evil now show their face involuntarily.
God's warriors are in prison, but they managed to leak the truth, so now the wildfire from heaven has ignited, and the princes are getting ready for the final they have lost to heaven in advance.”
“The day the revolution comes is the day we are all horny loving bastards, who have always been part of the resistance. And then we fuck like mad dogs.”
"First, they ensure that the population is replaced by Muslims in a few years. Then they destroy the basis of existence for the self-employed. Covid-19 does not exist, but they should use it to poison the population and turn them into bio-robots for the oligarchs in Davos. But the really strange thing is that people still waste their time voting for them, the globalists who call themselves politicians."
“It's a secret, but if you have the absolute unending passion for whatever you do for a living then you're as close as you can get to being happy. And the stupid thing is that you never reach perfection. Writing is mine.”
“They are all ROTHSCHILD. Es ist keine lüge.”
“Free you won’t be unless you allow yourself to be you, the fucked up dickhead you really are.”
“WEF wants you to eat insects instead of meat to save the world. In my utopia you eat fish from fish farms along recreated rivers instead. They don't like the idea because the Bible agrees with me and not them. Get used to Mønutopia and not hell from The Great Reset. We are all god's children, they are not, but they have their own airplanes.”
“The Nazi-bitch Vestager from Denmark will not allow Twitter in Europe because then people will know why Kennedy was killed. The Nazi-bitch makes me throw up.”
“There is only one ticket to heaven, and that's you and me. You know it, I know it, and now time is suddenly a precious thing.”
“Addicted to a drug from babies who die of pain. It's really just that!”
“She makes me steal unstealable things. All the things I wouldn’t do alone. Alive and kicking her ass with love. Eating her all the time. Wtf was I doing with all that time.”
“Be weird or fuck off!”
"Philosophy is the study of true and false, right and wrong. Cannabis has always been the philosopher's tool. They abolished philosophy in universities in 1971 and made Cannabis illegal. That is the explanation why it has gone as wrong as it has. A people that cannot think is a paradise for any tyrant."
"The best suited to organize a society are the philosophers and the worst are the oligarchs, Plato stated. But what about the women. Never have there been so many women in politics, and never has it looked so bleak as now.
Philosophy for everyone at the universities was abolished 52 years ago, and there have never been many female philosophers."
“The young ones are addicted to attention, so now they change gender for fun, but it hurts like hell and most of them never get to see their 30th birthday.”
“I hate Tivoli, you are not having fun at all, so you have to visit a place where you can fly and laugh at the same time.
What they are not telling you is that you could easily make your own Tivoli if you didn’t have to pay them every month."
“Truckers, we need you now, you are the only ones who can make it all happen. Just look at Tina, that’s how it’s going to be if you just drive your fucking truck to Copenhagen and throw the keys in the ocean.”
“It's important to have a strategy, beat the system and win your great love as a reward!”
"Women are full of shit, has it always been that way?"
“After all the art and wikileaks, it's a sin to turn a blind eye. You will never be able to forgive yourself when the day comes. What if it’s now?”
"From now on, every time your government asks you to turn right, you turn left. When they raise your taxes, you say no, when they tell you to close your business, you extend your hours, and when they tell you to go get a shot of poison, you shove it up their asses. Deal?"
“They feminize the man and masculinize the woman until gender has become a thriving business. Without 2 genders, children lose their role models and become perfect slaves. Balls don't exist anymore and women might have a dick. Satan is genderless.”
"Drugs, if it does something good for your passion in the right amounts then use it, if not drop it. It's that simple, why complicate it?
“Imagining that you can become a writer is probably the most narcissistic and fucked thing you can do. But it's Mia I love, I don't eat much and everyones hates me.”
“It takes more energy to produce a wind turbine than it will ever produce. Electric cars are dangerous to drive and a few children die of poisoning every time one of them rolls off the assembly line."
“I'm horny enough to know that I'm irreplaceable.”
"Take a flying fuck Mette, you fucking cunt!"
“Imagine the best Bond-movie ever. Q supplies 007 with the usual wild stuff, and then he drives to Davos in his DB5 and shoots every single one of them.”
“Isn't it funny that if you write something bad about the government, there is a very clever algorithm that figures out who gets to read it?”
"REMEMBER. Two different worlds, the one you live in, the one they show you. It’s a box with solid walls but there is something on the other side, always is. Nothing really happens in the box, that’s the idea with the box. You will never see the walls again, dare you step out of the box and nothing will ever be normal again. Everything inside the box is crazy from the other side. Out here you can dance, nobody judges you and nobody tells you what to do. They call it freedom."
“No debt. No bills. No taxes and fees. No mail from the government. No noise. No one says you can't. No politicians. No crime or violence. No work. No digital ID. No ratcatcher or a chimney sweep. Never a stomach ache. Never pissed off in traffic or on someone. Only myself when I’m not smiling or happy in my house out in the woods.”
"Angel". What does an angel mean to you on this planet?. I’ll tell you, first of all there is only one, that’s how you find out because she is flying inside you causing earthquakes, and other good stuff. That’s what an angel does, and she brings you all the way to the moon, and from there you see all the other angels. But down here, when you wake up, she is the only one.”
“Writing nine to five. Now I have to go to the grocery store. I would rather continue working, but I’ll do it when I get back. Maybe 7 hours of work left, but it’s not really work. It's fun and I’m flying.”
“Kvinder er ligesom et fjernsyn, de første mange år fungerer både lyd og billede. De sidste mange år er det kun lyden der fungerer. Mænd er ligesom sportsvogne, undervejs får de tæv og ligner lort. Men når de runder de 50 bliver de til klassiske veteraner, og aldrig har de fungeret bedre.”
“Mias rynker. Pludselig i Nyhavn går det op for mig. Mia kan ikke blive gammel i mine øjne. Ser på huset fra 1685, slidt ja, men smukt som altid. Sådan er det med min Mia også. Hendes rynker er VIDUNDERLIGE.”
“DEEP WATER. Okay now I want to go all the way into the deep water. Come up with a crazy conspiracy theory. James Bond has been running since 1962. In 1963 Kennedy was killed by Spectre, the reason for the biggest success ever on the screen. Manipulation. Crazy men's desire for world domination, pure madness, hence all the funny comments, all the absurd stunts. Mad evil exists only in movies. Every time someone mentions the possibility as Kennedy or Lennon did. Sudden death. Now the final victory is in sight, haughtiness takes over, James Bond is killed for the first time. The symbolism is unmistakable, we are fucked. The madmen have injected poison into our system, now we are in their system. In a little while it will be over. They eventually won, or what dickhead?”
"I'm not intelligent, I'm just stupid enough to let my brain think for itself."
"A notorious fascist as prime minister, a crook as foreign minister, the last of them is in psychiatric treatment. They are all clowns and before long the whole thing will implode, because no one likes Satan when they see him in their parliament."
"It's a secret. But if you have the absolute unending passion for whatever you do for a living then you're as close as you can get to being happy. And the stupid thing is that you never reach perfection. Writing is mine."
“Socialists only pretend to like all people. They hate people who do well, it's unfair, so they raise taxes until they die.”
“Like the first ejaculation, a revelation. That's how it must feel when the last stone is turned, the one that makes you tip over to the other side of the wall, where the crazy baddies show their true colors. Only then you will know, who you really are.”
“You get angry because it’s wrong to think that some people are the baddies. You’re pissed off when we say your politicians are lying. You get furious when we say Putin is a good guy, and you start screaming when we say it’s all about Satan. But you gotta understand this; We would absolutely adore you being right, but we all started that way.”
“Besides the inherent aggression and evil of man, borders and nations are the direct cause of conflicts. Add to this the general imbalance and injustice, and you have the perfect recipe for perpetual war. On the other hand, a nation defines the culture and the ideas its citizens believe. Only problem is the US using NATO to loot other nations.”
"I know god, your love is us and not the government."
“You can move the mountains. They don't have to stand there if they are in the way of the people. It's like the tide, you are the water and they are the losers on a mountain top deep down tomorrow.”
“I love my little blue bird. It's the only place where the free birds can sing. Fuck you fb.”
"In the end, they can only see the world from their own perspective and they cannot see that their arrogance is the beginning of their empire's downfall. History repeats itself, the dark knights commit suicide from within, people never change, but the WEF is gone."
"Kussetalk.....just ignore it!"
“You gotta be madly in love Mia, it’s the only human condition that’s perfect. The only place where your potential is in full bloom, the only spot where you’re truly happy. Only a god could invent such a feeling and today you shine like one for once. The torch doesn't last forever for everyone, but for you and me, every kiss is oxygen to the flame. I will never rest my case and only you know why.”
“The dumbest thing you can do is ignore information that disturbs you. Simply because you've been there before. What you are defending today may be a complete
lie like the ones about the vaccines, Kennedy,
Lennon, Putin, the gold
or Gadaffi.
“Time is the most precious thing you have, never waste it. There comes a time where you could use a little extra time. Invest as much as possible of it on love because that's the only thing on your mind when there is no more time left. I miss my youngest son.”
“You can do what you can to fix your worries, but if it is God's will, it will happen no matter what. If not, it's probably just because he has a better plan. Don’t worry, just be you and it’s gonna be fine.”
"A free society only exists if all its citizens can speak and express themselves freely. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant and anyone who actively opposes free speech is a fascist."
We need you more than ever Tina. Det hele er gået i knep Tina, så vi skal altså have en ny kalender. Vi deler kagen hvis du giver mig et kys på munden!
“Hvorfor er det altid skyggestatsministeren der skal ordne det hele når lokummet brænder?....backhaus.dk"